1. Attach to the VIP a probe tip, or ferrule adapter, that is compatible with the type of fiber optic connector you wish to test. Refer to Connect the VIP.
2. Connect the probe to the fiber optic endface and to the USB port on the Site Master S820E.
3. On the Site Master, select VIP Mode. Refer to Launch the VIP Application. The instrument screen will display a live image of the fiber edge surface.
4. Press the Setup main menu key and verify or change the VIP test settings, which include the probe model, tip type, and test profile. Refer to VIP Test Settings.
5. If needed, use the Focus Control knob on the probe to adjust the image focus.
6. Press the Measurement key on the Site Master screen, then press the Captured key to capture the displayed image.
7. Turn the rotary knob to zoom the captured image. Use the arrow keys to pan.
8. Press the Analyze key to execute analysis of the current VIP image. Detailed analysis results are displayed in tabular form if Auto is selected with the Results Table key.
9. To quickly save the captured image and test results using the current auto filename settings, press the Save icon on the System Function Tool Bar. You can also press the Save/Recall main menu key, then press Save to manually enter a file name and select its location.
10. Press Report if you wish to generate a report, in PDF format, on either the current or previously saved analysis results, or both.