Mobile InterferenceHunter Help : Hunting Interference Signals : Flux Density : Setting up the MS2090A for Flux Density Measurements
Setting up the MS2090A for Flux Density Measurements
The flux density application may be used with calibrated antennas. Using the MS2090A, field strength mode can be used to choose an antenna with calibration factors. A listing on Anritsu antennas with calibration factors is available in the MS2090A. Additional antennas may be added. See the MS2090A User Guide for additional information.
Once connected to the MS2090A, Power Detection Mode will be available in the Settings menu. Click Power Detection Mode to display the measurement submenus shown in Figure: Power Detection Mode.
Power Detection Mode
Channel Power (dBm)
This is the normal MIH measurement mode.
Flux Density (dBm/m2/MHz)
Provides flux density in the dBm per meter2 per MHz.
Flux Density (dBW/m2/MHz)
Provides flux density in dBW per meter2 per MHz.
Clicking one of the flux density measurement submenus noted above displays an information text line above the map window as shown in Figure: Flux Density Measurement Active.
Flux Density Measurement Active
The information text line shows the Flux Density Measurement is active and the Anritsu Antenna part number being used. Check the Show Location checkbox to show an estimation location grid as shown in Figure: Show Location. This feature is available when Mode is set to Spot Driving: Single Emitter (Standard Operation). The spot driving function is chosen by clicking on the green triangle in the left-hand column of the interface depicted in Figure: Show Location. The Spot Driving move is the 2nd green triangle from the top.
Show Location