Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Simulator : Using the Vision Simulator Control Program
Using the Vision Simulator Control Program
The Vision Simulator Control program provides a single screen interface. A user selected map is loaded from the Simulator program and displays a geo map as shown in Figure: Simulator User Interface. This shows the location of the simulated monitors along with a series of locations that are used to simulate RF sources. These RF source locations can represent:
Interference sources when working with Power of Arrival (PoA) or Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA).
A series of locations when tracking a moving RF emitter.
Simulator Program Menu
The Simulator menu is shown in Figure: Simulator User Interface.
Simulator User Interface
1. Simulator Menu Button
2. Menu Bar
3. Port and GPS Coordinates
4. Source 1 and Source 2 Interferer Tracking
5. Map Window
6. Interferer Settings
Simulator Menu Bar
The Simulator menu bar is shown in Figure: Simulator Menu Bar and described in Table:  Simulator Menu Bar Description.
Simulator Menu Bar
 Simulator Menu Bar Description
Open Configuration File
Open simulator files (*.sim), Tracking files (*.trx), and All files (*.*)
Save Configuration File
Save file to user selected folder location.
New Configuration File (Clear)
Clears content of the Source 1 and Source 2 lists
Exit the File menu.
Load Map
Load a user selected map to the screen.
Existing Maps
Load a map from an existing map folder.
Tracking Points
Clear Track List
Clear the track list.
Import from file
Import from user selected folder for Tracking files (*.trx; *csv, *.txt).
Sort Tracks
Sort tracks order from top to bottom or bottom to top.
Step Through tracks
Steps through the tracks one at a time.
Step Interval
Set step interval speed of each step to:
Load the Map File Into the Simulator
When using the Simulator Program, click Map from the Simulator menu bar. Either load an existing map or load a map from an online map source. To load the coordinates, see Enter Map Edge Coordinates.