Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Simulator : Using the Vision Simulator Control Program : Enter Map Edge Coordinates
Enter Map Edge Coordinates
After loading the map file into the program, a dialog box appears to Enter Map Edge Coordinates as shown in Figure: Enter Map Edge Coordinates. Initially, the map is not pointed to the exact coordinate location. To enter the coordinates:
1. Go to the MapPuzzle Download status box and scroll up to the beginning of the download process.
2. Copy the Latitude and Longitude coordinates in one sweep of the mouse pointer.
3. Go back to the Enter Map Edge Coordinates dialog box and click paste. The copied coordinates will paste into the coordinate fields.
4. Click OK in the Enter Map Edge Coordinates dialog to launch the map with the designated coordinates in the Simulator Program as shown in Figure: Map File loaded Into the Simulator Program.
Enter Map Edge Coordinates
1. Enter Map Edge Coordinates Dialog
2. Copy Coordinates
3. Paste Coordinates