Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Simulator : Using the Vision Simulator Control Program : Signal Editor
Signal Editor
The Signal Editor provides a trace view of the monitors background sweep as shown in Figure: Signal Editor Trace Viewer. The Monitor Simulator always uses the same background sweep trace for all monitors, and superimposes the two interferer signals. The signal editor provides the tools to graphically edit the background signal. Signals are save, recalled, and stored in the simulator configuration file. This is useful for testing and tracking, where you need to insert a spurious signal and see how it is handled.
Signal Editor Trace Viewer
Auto Save
Check automatically saves the edited trace internally.
Save edited trace internally and start using.
Add current trace to signal list.
Remove the current trace from the list.
Restores to previous values.
Reset to factory default.
Capture trace from target receiver.
Close the Signal Editor.
Signal Editor Trace Display
The Signal Editor trace display shown in Figure: Signal Editor Trace Viewer provides some signal information. When the mouse pointer is moved across the display, a green marker tracks the mouse pointer. Positioning the marker in the trace view display will show the frequency of the sweep at that point. The top left corner of the display provides the frequency at the peak region of the signal as shown. The bottom of the display shows the bandwidth edge frequencies and the center frequency of the sweep.
The User can edit the signal with the mouse. Right-click and drag the mouse to move the signal to the level of the mouse over the path. Roll the mouse wheel up or down to adjust amplitude at the current mouse coordinates.
Source 1, Source 2 Column
The simulator Source 1 and Source 2 column displays the coordinate location of the interferer signal. Two interferer can be monitored simultaneously. Either Source 1 or Source 2 can be enabled or disabled. Each Source will be set as stationary. When a coordinate within a source column is selected, the other source column darkens indicating other source column is the focus as shown in Figure: Two Simultaneous Tracks.
Two Simultaneous Tracks
Source 1, Source 2
Click the Source 1 and/or Source 2 check box provides a simulated source interferer on the map. Uncheck removes the source from the map.
Click the Mobile check box mobilizes the signal on the map. Uncheck keeps the signal stationary on the map.
Right-click a Source list displays the dialog box as shown in Figure: Tracks List Context Menu.
Tracks List Context Menu
Double Track Points
Doubles the tracking points to the simulated path. Continuing to click Double Track Points will continue to double the tracking points on the map display.
Half Track Points
Reduce by half the tracking points displayed. Continuing to click Half Track Points will reduce the remaining tracking points by half on the map display.
Smooth Track Points
Smoothing does a running average over the track points to make the line through them smoother. As a visual indicator, the corners of each track become rounded on the map.
Reorder (Sort) Track Points
Sorts the Track points.
Reverse Track Points
Reverses the direction of the displayed tracking points.