Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Trace Monitor/Trace Viewer : Finding Known Transmitter Details
Finding Known Transmitter Details
Known transmitter details can be identified by selecting the signal spectrum on the Spectrum Monitor Screen. From the Trace Monitor screen, click the Transmitter Menu to display the Known Transmitter menu. Refer to Figure: Transmitter Menu Button to locate the Transmitter Menu button.
Vision Trace Monitor User Interface
1. Highlighted Spectrum Monitor
2. Transmitter Line Color Selected (Orange)
3. Show Transmission Location Horizontal Line
4. Orange Transmitter Signal Frequency Location on Spectrum
5. Known Transmitter Details Pop Up
6. Blue Balloon – Transmitter Signal Frequency Map Location
7. Three-Dot-Menu
Loading the Known Transmitter (.lst) File
A list of known transmitters is required to be loaded first before they will be available to display. To load the file of the known transmitter signal:
1. Click the Spectrum Monitor from the top left side of the Spectrum Monitor Screen.
2. Click the Transmitter Menu Button from the Spectrum Monitor Display. See Figure: Transmitter Menu Button.
Transmitter Menu Button
Once selected, you see a drop-down menu as shown in Figure: Load From File.
Load From File
3. Click the Load From File menu.
4. Click the list file (.lst) from your stored location.
Show Transmitter Locations
1. Click Show Transmitter Locations from the pull down menu shown in Figure: Load From File, This will show a horizontal white bar across the Spectrum Monitor Screen. The distance the white bar is pulled down will determine the length of the transmitter signal-identifier.
2. Click to open the Load From File menu and locate the transmission file that you want to locate.
3. Click the .lst file and you will see the Transmitter Signal Frequency appear as a vertical line in the Spectrum Display Screen as shown in item (4) of Figure: Vision Trace Monitor User Interface. The color of the Transmitter Signal Frequency is determined by the color selection chosen from the Transmission Line Color menu. This example shows that Orange has been previously selected.