Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : TDoA Locate (Option 401) : TDoA Application
TDoA Application
The TDoA Application used with the Vision Simulator Program provides a user screen with the tools to simulate a tracked stationary or a mobile interferer signal as shown in Figure: TDoA Application With Simulator Program.
TDoA Application With Simulator Program
1. TDoA Application Graphic User Interface
2. Vision Simulator Program Graphic User Interface
3. Corresponding Monitors
4. Emitter Tracking
Callout (4) shows the Simulator’s emitter position between the A, B, and E monitors in the lower image and the TDoA Application’s triangulated TDoA measurement of the signal in the upper image. The URL Hostname is the communication link between the TDoA Application and the Simulator. In this example, to make this measurement, set up the TDoA Application as follows:
TDoA Monitor 2 with the URL Hostname links Simulator port 9001 – map position A.
TDoA Monitor 3 with the URL Hostname links Simulator port 9002 – map position B.
TDoA Monitor 1 with the URL Hostname links Simulator port 9005 – map position E.
With the Simulator loaded with monitors 9001, 9002, 9005, click Start and the TDoA Application communicates to the three Simulator monitors and performs TDoA measurements.
In the Simulator example, any set of monitors can be monitored, but the monitored monitors need to be positioned in a triangular pattern in order to perform a TDoA measurement.
If the target is mobile and moves past monitor A, B, and E, the next set of monitors that would capture the signal would be B, C and F. To make this measurement, enter the following Hostnames.
TDoA Monitor 2 with the URL Hostname links to Simulator port 9003 – map position C
TDoA Monitor 3 with the URL Hostname links to Simulator port 9002 – map position B
TDoA Monitor 1 with the URL Hostname links to Simulator port 9006 – map position F
From the TDoA toolbar, click Report to generate the TDoA report as shown in Figure: TDoA Report.
TDoA Report
TDoA Report Results
The TDoA generated report results corresponds to the Simulator setup shown in Figure: TDoA Application With Simulator Program.
Monitor 1, Monitor 2, Monitor 3 Latitude and Longitude settings in the TDoA report are in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (D.M.S) and the corresponding settings in the Simulator are in Decimal.
The TDoA report’s Bit Resolution is set at 16 bits and the Capture Length is set to 10 ms. These are preset and are not adjustable settings from the TDoA Application or the Simulator Program.