Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Port Scanner (Option 407) : Port Scanner Menu : Port Scanner Menu Bar
Port Scanner Menu Bar
The Port Scanner menu bar is shown in Figure: Port Scanner Menu Bar and described in Table:  Port Scanner Menu Bar Description.
Port Scanner Menu Bar
 Port Scanner Menu Bar Description
Open Configuration File
Open the configuration dialog folder.
Save Configuration
Open Save Dialog folder.
Exit the File menu.
Port Scanner Toolbar
The Port Scanner Toolbar is described in Table: Port Scanner Toolbar.
Port Scanner Toolbar
Open Saved Configuration File
Displays the Open window to load a previously saved configuration file.
Save Configuration File
Opens the Save window to save a configuration file. File type extension is CPC.
Activates channel monitoring. Button symbol changes to a square. Click to stop channel monitoring.
Add Channel
Opens the Add Channels dialog.
See Add Channels Dialog.
Remove Channel
Removes a channel on the Table List.
Options and Settings
Opens the Options and Settings dialog.
See Options and Settings.
Table List View
Displays the High Speed Port Scanner User Interface as shown in Figure: Port Scanner Menu. The column listings in the heading row is user selectable through the Options and Settings dialog.
See Display Table List Columns.
Trace View
Displays all the active channels on the screen. Each channel is displayed in a x-y graticule of frequency vs. power.
RSSI (P vs T) View
Display the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) in power vs. time graphs. PvT graphs plot the Channel Power from each trace sweep. 
Expand View
Opens the window with the enlarged or expanded view of up to three user selected traces.
Sends output to the printer of the Table List, Trace, and RSSI view.
Audible Alarm
Toggles audible alarm. A two-state button that toggles the Audible Alarm state - When depressed, the limit line violations produce an audible alarm. If it is out (off) then the program is quiet.
Sweep Interval
Sets how often each channel in the channel table will be swept. If the sweep interval is too short to complete all channels, then each sweep will follow immediately after the previous.
While multiple monitors will be swept simultaneously, each channel on a monitor will be swept sequentially. If the channels on one monitor take longer than the sweep interval to accomplish, then that monitor will accumulate fewer total sweeps per channel than other monitors.