Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Port Scanner (Option 407) : Table List Columns and Parameters : Limit Lines
Limit Lines
To edit an upper or lower limit line, click the Run/Stop button to stop the sweep. Click a limit line entry to open the field for editing. The field will open for editing. Enter a limit and click to close. To change an entry to None, click to highlight the parameter and press Enter on the keyboard as shown Figure: Edit Limit Field.
Edit Limit Field
Edit a Segmented Entry
To edit a segmented parameter, press F2 on the keyboard while the parameter field is open for editing. An Segmented edit screen will open as shown in Figure: Segmented Edit Screen. Click a Start Freq. Stop Freq, and Level (dBm) field to create a segment limit line.
Segmented Edit Screen
Mask Limit Line Trace Display
Press Trace View to show the active channels and the set limit lines as shown in Figure: Trace View Limit Lines. The limit lines entered in the Port Scanner table are displayed for each channel. A limit line violation turns the background color red. The monitors background intensity level of the limit line violation can be controlled by the Trace failure background intensity slider.
Trace View Limit Lines