Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Scan Viewer : Coverage Mapping
Coverage Mapping
Coverage Mapping requires the High Speed Scanner (Option 407). Signal information gathered while using the High Speed Port Scanner can be stored and opened with Scan Viewer.
View a CPM File
Press the Location Type button and open a CPM file to view. Refer to (Scan Viewer Toolbar),
Once opened, a map appears that provides the captured Breadcrumbs path traveled when monitoring the signal. See Figure: Breadcrumbs Map. The map displays colored signal power levels that provide signal strength information while monitoring the area.
Breadcrumbs Map
The Coverage Mapping tool provides the following features:
Ability to scan over multiple frequency channels.
Measurements can be taken based on RSSI, Channel Power or Occupied Bandwidth.
User selected and Offline maps are supported.
The color scale used for mapping can be changed to match the dynamic range of signals measured.
Measurements can be imported to a user selected map for further display and analysis.