: Instrument Operation : Pulse Modulation : Pulse Width-Delay Menu
Pulse Width-Delay Menu
Pressing the blue chevron in the lower corner of the screen as shown in Figure: Internal Pulse Menu displays the Pulse Width/Delay List menu Figure: Pulse Width-Delay Menu of the current Pulse Width (W1–W4) and Delay parameter settings.
Pulse Width-Delay Menu
Delay 1-4
Set the pulse delay for each pulse count selected from the Internal Pulse menu Pulse SOURCE Set to Internal. Range is 0 s to 42 s.
Width 1-4
Set the pulse width for each pulse count selected from the Internal Pulse menu Pulse SOURCE Set to Internal. Range is 1e-08 s to 42 s.
To change the current value of a parameter, use the cursor control keys to select the parameter, then press and enter the current value using the cursor control keys, rotary data knob, or enter a new value using the keypad and the appropriate terminator key. Press a terminator key to close the open parameter.
Setting Pulse Count
Press COUNT to type 1 (Single), 2 (Doublet), 3 (Triplet), or 4 (Quadruplet) pulse mode. Pulse COUNT of 3 (Triplet) is shown in Figure: Pulse Count. Press ENTER. The Internal Pulse Status display will show your selection.
Pulse Count
Setting Count
Press COUNT to set the number of pulses generated by the internal pulse generator for each period of the pulsed waveform. The internal pulse generator has four pulse modes. Range is 1-4. Set COUNT to display 1 (single), 2 (doublet pulse), 3 (triplet pulse), and 4 (quadruplet pulse). Individual pulse widths WIDTH 1 (W1), WIDTH 2 (W2), WIDTH 3 (W3), and WIDTH 4 (W4)and delays DELAY 1 (D1), DELAY 2 (D2), DELAY 3 (D3), and DELAY 4 (D4) can be set for each of the pulses in a mode as shown in Figure: Pulse Mode.
Pulse Mode
From the additional Internal Pulse Status menu, press TRIGGER to access the Trigger Mode menu display shown in (Figure: Trigger Mode Menu).
Trigger Mode Menu
This menu provides the triggering mode for the internal pulse generator. Each trigger mode is described in Setting TRIGGER Waveforms and shown in Figure: Modulation Waveforms.
Setting TRIGGER Waveforms
Refer to and the descriptions below for the types of modulation waveforms.
Free Running
The pulse generator produces pulses at the internal PRF. Single, Doublet, Triplet, or Quadruplet pulse modulation waveforms at the internal pulse repetition rate. Pulse delay is not available in this trigger mode.
an external pulse gates the internal pulse generator on and off. When gated on, the pulse generator produces a single pulse at the internal PRF.
The pulse generator produces Single, Doublet, Triplet, or Quadruplet pulse modulation waveforms at the internal pulse repetition rate.
The pulse generator is triggered by an external trigger to produce Single, Doublet, Triplet, or Quadruplet pulse modulation waveforms. Pulse delay is not available in this trigger mode.
Trigger with Delay
The pulse generator is triggered by an external trigger to produce Single, Doublet, Triplet, or Quadruplet pulse modulation waveforms delayed by pulse delay.
An external pulse triggers the internal pulse generator and also pulse modulates the output signal. The internal pulse generator produces a single pulse ‘delayed by pulse delay1 which also pulse modulates the output signal.
Press POLARITY to select the polarity of the signal that turns the RF on during pulse modulation, as follows:
Specifies positive-true operation; a TTL-high level will turn on the RF output signal.
Specifies negative-true operation; a TTL-low level will turn on the RF output signal.
Trigger Polarity
Selects whether the internal pulse generator is triggered on the rising edge (positive) or falling edge (negative) of the external trigger signal.
Modulation Waveforms