To provide pulse modulation of the output signal using a modulating signal from an external source, first set up the external pulse generator and connect it to the MG362x1A rear panel PULSE IN BNC connector.
Press POLARITY and set the polarity of the signal that turns the RF on during pulse modulation.
• Normal specifies positive-true operation; a TTL-high level will turn on the RF output signal.
• Inverted specifies negative-true operation; a TTL-low level will turn on the RF output signal.
For proper operation, the period of the external pulse must be greater than the sum of the pulse repetition rate and pulse width of the internal pulse modulation waveform. To prevent relative timing jitter, the external gating pulse source can be synchronized with the internal pulse generator by using the 10 MHz REF OUT signal output (MG362x1A rear panel) as a frequency reference for the external generator.