Spectrum Analyzer Measurement Guide : Spectrum Analyzer Measurements : Setting Sweep Parameters
Setting Sweep Parameters
Sweep parameters are set using the SWEEP Menu.
When the Continuous toggle is pressed, the instrument toggles between single sweep and continuous sweep. In single sweep setting, the instrument waits until SWEEP ONCE is pressed or another setting is selected.
Trace Points
The number of points sets the number of display points in the trace that are generated from the measurement data.
Sweep Limitations
With some spectrum analyzers, the user has control over sweep time (the elapsed time of each sweep, also referred to as scan time). An analyzer cannot be swept arbitrarily fast while maintaining its specified accuracy, but will have a sweep rate limitation depending upon the resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth, and frequency range selected. The sweep rate is not usually chosen by the user, but is determined by the frequency range swept divided by the sweep time. The limitation on sweep rate comes from the settling or response time of the resolution and video bandwidth filters. If an analyzer is swept too quickly, the filters do not have time to respond, and the measurement is inaccurate. Under such conditions, the analyzer display tends to have a “smeared” look to it, with the spectral lines being wider than normal and shifted to the right and at a lower amplitude than is correct.
Anritsu Field Master Series is designed to relieve the user from having to calculate the sweep speed or experiment to discover a sweep speed that yields accurate results. When changing the RBW and VBW, the sweep speed automatically changes to the fastest sweep speed that will yield accurate results. The sweep speed will be faster for a wide RBW or VBW and slower for a narrow RBW or VBW. Regardless of the minimum sweep time, the instrument will never sweep faster than the RBW and VBW settings will allow. The instrument is designed to ensure that no uncalibrated measurement conditions will occur.
Toggles between continuous sweep and single sweep. When the toggle is off, the instrument is in single sweep. In single sweep, the results of a sweep are displayed on the screen while the instrument awaits a trigger event to start a new sweep. The current state of the instrument is displayed in the status panel. With average/hold number (in TRACE menu) set to 1, or averaging is off, or no trace in trace average or hold, a single sweep is equivalent to a single measurement. A single sweep is taken after the trigger condition is met and the analyzer stops sweeping once that sweep has completed. To take one more sweep without resetting the average count, press the SWEEP ONCE button. This sweep control is also available in the status panel.
The restart function restarts the current sweep or measurement from the start frequency.
When sweep is set to single sweep, SWEEP ONCE triggers a single measurement sweep.
When sweep is set to single sweep and trace type is set to average, rolling average, rolling max hold, or rolling min hold, SWEEP TO N triggers N consecutive measurement sweeps, where N is the number of averages set in the TRACE menu. Each time the button is pressed, it will restart the average count, then sweep N times. This button has no function when the instrument is in continuous sweep.
Toggle this button off to manually set the sweep time using the numeric entry keypad.
This button is available when the span is set to ZERO SPAN. Sets the sweep time. Alternately press the # symbol next to the Sweep field at the bottom of the SPA graticule, when AUTO TIME is toggled off.
Sets the number of data points per sweep and displayed in each trace. The current value of points is displayed parenthetically, next to the sweep time in the lower-right corner of the display. Using more points provides greater resolution. Using fewer points compacts the data and decreases the time required to access a trace.
Opens the GATED SWEEP Menu.
Gated Sweep (Option 90)
Gated sweep is only available on instruments with Option 90 installed. Gated sweep allows you to synchronize your sweep with an event so that the analyzer collects data at the appropriate time. This is useful for measuring signals in the time domain such as pulsed RF, time multiplexed, or burst modulated signals. Field Master Series can use the GNSS (GPS) timing signal as the gating trigger event. This will allow you to synchronize measurements with GNSS (GPS) synchronized communication signals. Set up gated sweep from the GATED SWEEP Menu.
To set up the instrument for gated sweep measurements:
2. Select the GATE SOURCE. The gate source selected determines the trigger source from which the gate is controlled. Not all instrument models and options support all triggering selections, so your choices may vary. Field Master Series supports a GNSS (GPS) and external trigger gate source.
3. Select one of the available FRAME TIME durations. The frame time sets the total measurement cycle time.
4. Set the GATE DELAY time. The gate delay sets the time from the triggering event to when the instrument starts sweeping and collecting data.
5. Set the GATE LENGTH time. The gate length sets the time for data capture and analysis.
6. If desired, enable PWR VS TIME (refer to POWER VS TIME Display).
Below is an example of a gated sweep applied to a channel power measurement. The signal level shown varies cyclically with time and would not be measurable without gated sweep.
Gated Sweep Measurement
The channel power and gated sweep display panels at the bottom can be tapped to directly open either the Channel Power SETUP menu or the GATED SWEEP menu.
Toggles gated sweep on or off.
Selects the trigger source for the gated sweep.
GNSS (GPS): This setting synchronizes the trigger source to the GPS PPS.
External 1 or 2: Sets the gate reference based on input from the External 1 or External 2 port. Only Field Master Pro and Remote Spectrum Monitor instruments have two external ports.
Select either rising or falling trigger slope.
Selects the frame time duration of 10 ms, 20 ms, or 1 s.
Sets the start of the gated sweep. When POWER VS TIME Display is enabled, the gate delay is indicated by the blue left border of the power vs time display. You can also drag the entire gate to set the desired gate delay.
Sets the length of the gated sweep. When POWER VS TIME Display is enabled, the gate length is indicated by the width between the blue borders of the power vs time display. You can also drag the right blue border to set the desired gate length.
Select PWR Vs Time view or Spectrogram view.
Holds the power vs time trace when toggled ON.
When POWER VS TIME is enabled, sets the start of the graticule display.
When POWER VS TIME is enabled, sets the time length of the graticule display.
Presets gated sweep settings to default values.
When power vs time is enabled, a time-domain graph is presented. This graph is a useful visual aid when setting up the GATE DELAY (1) and GATE LENGTH (2) times as you can simultaneously view the signal level within the set frame and relative to your gate delay and length. The display is enabled using the PWR VS TIME toggle setting and should be disabled after setting up the gate delay and length parameters. The gate delay and length are represented by the width of the displayed shaded area flanked with blue lines (see Figure: Power vs. Time Display).
Power vs. Time Display
1. Set the gate delay by dragging the left blue setting line or entering a value directly. The full time scale is shown along the bottom and the gate delay time will be displayed at the top center of the graticule when it is being adjusted.
2. Set the gate length by dragging the right blue setting line or entering a value directly. The full time scale is shown along the bottom and the gate length will be displayed at the top center of the graticule when it is being adjusted.
If the blue gate delay and length setting lines are set outside of the displayed graticule scale, you will see “< Gate Start” and “Gate Stop >” messages at the edge of the display indicating where the blue setting lines are located.
Once the gate has been set up, you can apply gating to the spectrum by toggling GATED SWEEP on. Gating will continue to be applied when you access other measurements and functions of the spectrum analyzer until gated sweep is toggled off or an unsupported instrument configuration is selected.
When gated sweep toggle in turned ON, a time-domain graph is displayed on the bottom and frequency domain graph is shown on top of it, as shown in Figure: GATED SWEEP On Display. Note that enabling PWR VS TIME toggle will refresh the PVT trace, while disabling it will refresh the spectrum trace. The gate parameters (delay and length) can be configured with PVT enabled, and the impact on the spectrum can be observed by disabling PVT. You can also fine-tune the gate parameters without toggling PVT on and off, as it's expected that the gate period maintains a fixed relationship with the trigger event.
1. Frequency domain graph.
2. Use maximize/minimize icon to toggle between full screen and split screen.
3. Time domain graph.
4. Tabbed table displays the selected measurement and the gated sweep details.