Cable and Antenna Analyzer Measurement Guide : Cable and Antenna Analyzer Measurements : Saving and Recalling Measurements
Saving and Recalling Measurements
The Field Master Series can save measurement setups, native trace and CSV trace data, and screenshots. Setup and native trace files can be recalled. For other file operations such as copy, move, and directory management, refer to the “File Management” section in the Instrument overview chapter of the user guide.
Saving a Measurement
To save a measurement or setup, refer to Figure: File Save Dialog:
1. Select FILE > SAVE AS...
2. If desired, press the save location to change the destination.
3. Enter the desired file name using the touchscreen keyboard.
4. Select the type of file to save from the selection list.
5. Select SAVE to save the file.
File Save Dialog
Once a file has been saved, the QUICK SAVE feature can be used to quickly save the same type of file with an incrementing number appended to the end of the original file name.
Recalling a Measurement
Saved setup and native trace measurements can be recalled. When recalling a setup, the instrument setup and operating state will be restored as it was when the setup was saved. When recalling a trace measurement, the instrument setup and on-screen measurement data will be restored as it was when the trace data was saved.
To recall a measurement or setup, refer to Figure: File Open Dialog:
1. Select FILE > RECALL...
2. Select the file location.
3. Use the file type filter to shorten the list if needed.
4. Select the desired file from the displayed list.
5. Select OPEN to recall the file.
File Open Dialog
When a trace measurement is recalled, the trace will be recalled to memory and displayed along with the active trace. Toggle the trace display setting via TRACE > MEMORY DISPLAY and select Trace, Memory, or Both.
Saves a setup file immediately with the name shown in the button. The number in the name is incremented automatically so that the new name is ready for the next setup file to be saved.
Opens the Save dialog to manually enter a file location, enter a file name, and to set the file type to be saved. Depending on the selected measurement, you can save the following:
Setup: Saves the current instrument setup (stp file type).
Limit: Saves the current limit line point data (limcaa file type)
Trace: Saves the measurement point (trace) data and the current instrument setup (fmcaausb/smcaa file type).
Trace + Screenhsot: Saves the measurement point (trace) data and the current instrument setup screenshot (fmcaausb/smcaa file type)
Trace CSV: Saves the visible trace point data in comma separated value format (csv file type). This format is useful for further analysis using other software tools.
Trace TXT: Saves the instrument data and setup information, and the measurement point (trace) data (txt file format).
Screenshot: Saves a screenshot of the current measurement (png file type).
Measurement: Saves measurement data in a format that is compatible with Anritsu Line Sweep Tools (dat file format) (Field Master Series instruments only)
Opens the Recall File dialog to retrieve a file from a desired location. Only supported files will be displayed depending on the currently set measurement. When trace data is recalled, the instrument will change the settings to match the settings of the saved trace. The data will be recalled to trace memory and will be displayed with the active trace. Toggle the trace display setting via TRACE > MEMORY DISPLAY and select Trace, Memory, or Both.
Refer to the “File Management” section of the instrument user guide.
Opens PDF Report Menu. Refer to instrument user guide for detailed information.
PDF Report Menu
PDF Report Menu
Opens the PDF report generator screen.
Loads the PDF report template saved in the instrument.
Allows to name the PDF report.
Generates the PDF report and saves in the REPORTS folder.
Opens the previously generated report.