Power Meter : Power Meter
Power Meter
General Measurement Setup
Setting Frequency Span
Setting the Amplitude
Changing the Display Units
Displaying Relative Power
Setting Pass Fail Limits
Power Meter Menus
Freq (Frequency) Menu
Frequency Menu with Offset Function
Freq 2/2 Menu
Span Menu
Amplitude Menu
Units Menu
Average Menu
Limits Menu
Sweep Menu
Measure Menu
Trace Menu
Other Menus
This chapter describes the instrument setup for general power meter measurements.
The Power Meter can display measured power in dBm, dBV, dBmV, dBµV, Volts, or Watts. No external sensor is required. The Power Meter frequency span can be set from 1 kHz to 100 MHz. The Full Band submenu key conveniently sets the frequency range to 100 MHz on the current center frequency in order to simulate a broadband measurement.
The maximum and minimum values of the analog display can be set in the Amplitude menu. The scale of the analog display reflects the Unit selection. Relative Power is a useful feature to obtain the power reading with respect to a specific power level.