PIM Master™ Passive Intermodulation Analyzer : Programming Commands : Chapter Overview
Chapter Overview
Refer to the following sections in this chapter for details of the PIM Master commands:
:CALCulate Subsystem
:CALibration Subsystem
:CONFigure Subsystem
:INITiate Subsystem
:SENSe Subsystem
Remote Access Password Protection
The purpose of this feature is to prevent unauthorized access to the handheld instrument when the instrument is connected to a network, especially when connected to the Internet. When a password has been set, unauthorized remote access is prevented. In addition, only one user can be connected at any one time.
Many Anritsu handheld instruments can accept a Remote Access Password. If a password has been set, then your remote access requires the password. Refer to your instrument user guide and programming manual for a description of this feature and for instructions to use it.
This function is valid only with Master Software Tools (MST) v2.21.1 or later. The password is first set into the instrument, then used in MST. Your MST pasword must match that in the instrument.
When prompted in MST, enter the password into the password text box. Upper case and lower case letters and the symbols - _ + . are the allowed password characters. For security, you must reboot the handheld instrument after setting the password. Turn power OFF then On. The password can be removed or reset by a Master Reset (System + On), by a Factory Default reset (Esc + On), or by a firmware update (which includes a restart).
Remote Access Password Text Box