VNA Master™Programming Manual : VNA Commands : [:SENSe] Subsystem
[:SENSe] Subsystem
The commands in this subsystem relate to device‑specific parameters, not to signal‑oriented parameters.
[:SENSe] Subsystem 
Parameter Data or Units
RF Power In Hold State
Sets the state of the RF output signal at the VNA ports to be either ON or OFF when the sweep is set to Hold. When set to ON, the RF signal continues to be energized when the sweep is in hold. When set to OFF, the RF signal is turned off during the hold condition. Note that the sweep may require more time to stabilize when it is set to run, if the RF has been turned OFF during hold.
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> ON|OFF|1|0
Query Response
<bNR1> 1|0
Default Value
Front Panel Access
Shift‑3 (Sweep), RF Pwr in Hold
[:SENSe]:APPLication Subsystem
This subsystem contains application specific commands.
Application Self Test
Executes an application self test and reports whether any errors were detected. A return value of “0” indicates that the test was completed without detecting any error.
Two self test types can be specified. If no test type is specified, then the test defaults to NORMal. The PWRon self test is a scaled‑down version of the normal self test that runs during the instrument power‑on cycle.
[:SENSe]:APPLication:TST? NORMal|PWRon
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Parameter
<char> NORMal|PWRon
Query Response
<NR1> <integer>
Front Panel Access
Application Self Test Result
Application Self Test Result
Returns the application self test result of the previous call to the application self test. The response begins with an ASCII header. The header specifies the number of following bytes. It appears in the format #AX<block data>, where A is the number of digits in X, and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. The first information of the <block data> contains the overall self test string ( “PASSED” or “FAILED” ) followed by a comma, and each self test result separated by a comma. Each subset of the result is included in angle brackets, < >.
Note that an application self test command must be called prior to calling this command in order for the result to be valid.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<block> (No units, NA)
Front Panel Access
[:SENSe]:AVERage Subsystem
This subsystem contains commands that are related to the combination of the data from consecutive sweeps. Use commands in this subsystem to control sweep‑to‑sweep averaging and max hold functionality.
Restart Averaging
No query. Clears and restarts averaging of the measurement data. Note that sweep averaging count must be set to greater than 1 for averaging to restart.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response
NA (no query)
Front Panel Access
Number of Traces to Average
Sets the number of traces to be averaged. Note that when averaging count is set to be greater than 1, sweep averaging is turned on. To stop Syntax
[:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt <integer>
Cmd Parameter
<NR1> <integer>
Query Response
<NR1> <integer>
Default Value
1 to 65535
Front Panel Access
Shift‑3 (Sweep), Sweep Averaging