The :CALCulate{1-16}:UFEXtraction subsystem commands provide configuration control and execution for Generalized B (GENB) network extraction functions. The Universal Fixture Extraction option (Option 021) is required for the :CALCulate{1-16}:UFEXtraction commands.
Calibration Option Subsystems
Related calibration option configuration and control subsystems are:
Performs the Network Extraction using Generalized B Method on the indicated channel. Method Type B extracts one 2-port network using a two-tier calibration. Available on 2-port and 4-port VNA instruments.
No query.
The following commands must be sent before performing GenB network extraction:
Sets the offset length of the load for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction to be used in Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel
Returns the offset length of the short for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the reference frequency for the line loss of the open for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction to be used in Generalized B network extraction on the indicated channel.
Returns the reference frequency for the line loss of the open for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the offset length of the open for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction to be used in Generalized B network extraction on the indicated channel.
Returns the offset length of the open for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the reference frequency for the line loss of the short for the given standard number to be used in Generalized B network extraction on the indicated channel.
Returns the reference frequency for the line loss of the short for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the loss of the short for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction to be used in Generalized B network extraction on the indicated channel.
Returns the loss of the short for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the offset length of the short for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction to be used in Generalized B network extraction on the indicated channel.
Returns the offset length of the short for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the standard type (short, open, load, or S1P) for the given standard number to be used in Generalized B network extraction on the indicated channel
Returns the standard type for the given standard number for Generalized B Network Extraction on the indicated channel.