VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Programming Manual : SCPI Commands : :SENSe:HOLD Subsystem
:SENSe:HOLD Subsystem
The :SENSe:HOLD subsystem command sets the hold function for all channels on a per-instrument basis.
Trigger, Hold, and External Source Subsystems
Related trigger, hold, and external source subsystems are:
:SENSe:HOLD Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:HOLD Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet and :OFFset{1-50} Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:SOURce{1-4} Subsystem
:SOURce:ALL:EXTernal Subsystem
:SOURce{1-4}:EXTernal Subsystem
:TRIGger[:SEQuence] Subsystem
:SENSe:HOLD:FUNCtion <char>
Sets the hold function for all channels where the following hold options are available:
CONTinuous = Perform continuous sweeps on all channels
HOLD = Hold the sweep on all channels
SINGle = Perform a single sweep and then hold all channels
Returns the hold status for all channels.
The operation of this command depends on the settings of the :SENSe{1-16}:HOLD:FUNCtion <char>, :TRIGger[:SEQuence][:REMote]:SINGle, and :TRIGger[:SEQuence][:IMMediate][:REMote] commands. Each setting combination is described in the sections below.
// Sweep State = The sweep is sweeping continuously
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command right away.
// Sweep State = The sweep restarts and sweeps continuously. When the sweep gets to the end of the sweep, it continues to sweep. There is NO STATUS information that the end of the sweep has been reached.
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command right away
// Sweep State = The sweep is sweeping continuously.
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command right away
// Sweep State = The sweep restarts and sweeps continuously. When the sweep gets to the end of the sweep, it sets the end of sweep status bit and continues to sweep.
// Command Execution = Further execution is blocked until the end of the sweep.
// Command Execution resumes when the sweep has reached the end of the sweep.
// Sweep State = The sweep is stopped.
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command right away
// Sweep State = The command has no effect. The sweep is stopped.
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command right away
// Sweep State = The sweep is stopped
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command right away.
// Sweep State = The sweep restarts and sweeps until the end of the sweep, at which point it sets the end of sweep status bit and stops.
// Command Execution = Further execution is blocked until the end of the sweep.
// Command Execution resumes when the sweep has reached the end of the sweep.
// Sweep State = The sweep does one complete sweep, goes into hold and stops.
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command.
// Sweep State = The command has no effect. The sweep is stopped.
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command.
// Sweep State = The sweep does one complete sweep, goes into hold and stops.
// Command Execution = The parser is ready for a command right away.
// Sweep State = The sweep restarts and sweeps until the end of the sweep, at which point it sets the end of sweep status bit and stops.
// Command Execution = Further execution is blocked until the end of the sweep.
// Command Execution resumes when the sweep has reached the end of the sweep.
Cmd Parameters
<char> CONTinuous | HOLD | SINGle
Query Parameters
<char> CONT | HOLD | SING
Default Value
Syntax Example