MA2700A InterferenceHunter Help : Coverage Mapping (Option 431) : Coverage Mapping Menu : Measurement Setup Menu
Measurement Setup Menu
Key Sequence: Shift > Measure (4) key > Coverage Mapping > Measurement Setup
Measurement Setup Menu
Press this submenu key to select Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). This is a basic measurement of the power present in the received signal in zero span and current RBW. Press the RSSI submenu key again to set the dBm levels for RSSI legend, the .kml push pins, and the dots and squares on the instrument screen. Refer to RSSI Menu.
Press this submenu key to select Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR). ACPR is the ratio of the power of the adjacent (lower and upper) channel to the main power channel. Press the ACPR key again to set the main channel bandwidth, adjacent channel bandwidth, channel spacing, adjacent channel offset and the power level qualifiers. Refer to ACPR Menu.
Field Strength
Press this submenu key to select the Field Strength measurement. Field strength is the power density measured in dBm/m2. Press the Field Strength key again to open the Field Strength Menu.
Center Freq
Press the Center Freq submenu key and enter the desired frequency using the keypad, the left or right arrow keys, or the rotary knob. If entering a frequency using the keypad, the submenu key labels change to GHz, MHz, kHz, and Hz. Press the appropriate units key. Pressing the Enter key has the same effect as the MHz submenu key.
The current resolution bandwidth value is displayed in this submenu key. The RBW can be changed using the keypad, the arrow keys, or the rotary knob. The range begins at 1 Hz and increases in a 1 to 3 sequence from 1 Hz to 3 Hz to 10 Hz, from 10 Hz to 30 Hz to 100 Hz, and so on. To determine the range for your instrument, refer to your Technical Data Sheet.
Several detection methods tailor the performance of the instrument to meet specific measurement requirements. In general, there are more measurement points across the screen than display points. The various detection methods are different ways of dealing with how measurement point will be shown at each display point.
Options Include:
Refer to Units & Detection Menu for additional details.
Returns to the Coverage Mapping Menu.