Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Simulator : Using the Vision Simulator Control Program : Interferer Configuration
Interferer Configuration
The Simulator’s Interferer Configuration is a User defined interface for setting the interferer 1 and interferer 2 parameters as shown in Figure: Interferer Configuration and Target Receiver Settings.
Interferer Configuration and Target Receiver Settings
Latitude and Longitude
The Interferer’s Latitude and Longitude boxes are overwritten each time you click an emitter on the map. Edit the coordinates and click Send Setup to locate the interferer somewhere different than at a location in the emitter list.
Frequency (MHz)
User defined Interferer signal frequency.
Bandwidth (kHz)
User defined Interferer bandwidth.
Click the Amplitude Modulation check box to add extra noise to the interferer power level with each sweep, simulating a signal that is amplitude modulated.
Type or select a noise level. The noise types that are set from the pull-down menu are Gaussian or Square. The noise selection is used to inject noise into return data for both sweep traces and IQ data. At a value of 0, very small noise is injected. This is so that each return trace is not identical. Setting it all the way up to 3 will add so much noise that IQ cannot be used to do TDoA. Please note: With IQ data, the noise also increases with distance. So as an emitter moves further from the simulated monitors, the IQ data (and TDoA results) will get noisier until the signal is dropped and TDoA stops.
Duty Cycle (%)
Set a duty cycle from 10 % to 100 %
Interferer Line Shape
Click Square or Gaussian deviation.
Omni Antennas
Checked assumes omni-directional antennas. When not checked, the interference power depends on the direction between the source and the receiver.
Amplitude Modulation
Modulate the amplitude of the interference signal.
Frequency Modulation
Add a frequency hopping signal.
Target Receiver Settings
Start Frequency
The Simulator sweep default start frequency.
Stop Frequency
The Simulator sweep default stop frequency.
Displays the options used in a real target receiver scenario.
Track Restart Delay (sec)
Set the restart tracking time from 0 to 600 seconds.
IQ Download Delay (sec)
To better simulate the return of IQ data, type or select the delay 1 to 60 seconds.
Signal Editor
Click the Signal Editor label displays the Trace View window. See Signal Editor.