Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Basic Operation : Vision Menus
Vision Menus
The vision menus provide the setups, applications, and measurements user interface screens shown in Figure: Vision Menus.
Vision Menus
1. Favorites Menu - See Favorites Menu.
2. Applications Menu - See Applications Menu.
3. Utilities Menu - See Utilities Menu.
Applications Menu
The Applications menu is described in Figure: Settings Menu.
Settings Menu  
Port Scanner
The Port Scanner quickly monitors the channel power on any number of channels using Anritsu’s receiver with Option 407 installed.
See Port Scanner (Option 407).
Scan Viewer
Provides tools for viewing saved CPM (Channel Power Measurement) and target receiver measurement files. CPM files created by the Vision Port Scanner contain many RF sweep traces that include sweeps at multiple frequency bands and from multiple target receivers. Use File Viewer to review all of the traces in multiple views and explore the data as a set.
See Scan Viewer.
Trace Monitor
View traces stored in the database. Analyzes the database where measurements are collected to show date/time stamped trace information, spectrograms, and intuitive ways to monitor for interference signals.
See Trace Monitor/Trace Viewer.
Trace Viewer
Compare traces between channels.
See Trace Viewer.
Measurements Menu
The Measurements menu is described in Figure: Measurements Menu.
Measurements Menu  
PoA Locate
Locate sources using PoA.
See PoA Locate (Option 401).
TDoA Locate:
Target receivers positioned in a triangular pattern perform TDoA to identify a stationary signal’s longitude and Latitude coordinates.
See TDoA Locate (Option 401).
Provides tools to set power threshold levels to determine whether a given frequency channel is to be considered occupied.
See Occupancy.
Cross Pol:
Cross polarization measurement.
See Cross Polarization.
The Radio Capture file contains the AM/FM Measurements for the target receiver with Option 400 installed. Displays AM/FM streaming audio.
See Geo-Location Techniques.
Utilities Menu
The Utilities menu is described in Figure: Utilities Menu.
Utilities Menu 
DB Browser
View details and load Vision databases for use in Vision Monitor, PoA Locate and Trace Viewer.
See DB Creator.
Trace Acquire
Stores traces at set intervals, stores results in user location, and provides email alerts when mask violation occur.
See Trace Acquire.
DB Creator
Create a database consisting of base stations, channel setup definitions, and mask definitions for use by Trace Monitor and Vision Acquire.
See DB Creator.
Used to practice and demonstrate using Vision. Simulate Anritsu remote monitors for testing and coverage evaluations.
See Simulator.
Database maintenance and system utilities. The Settings and Control Panel provides the user interface tools for signal monitoring.
See Settings.
Favorites Menu
The Favorites folder is used as a preference location for users to access frequently used menus.
Copy Menus to Favorites
Vision menus offer a robust range of trace monitoring menus. Trace monitoring requires navigating through a few menus to create a database and a trace monitoring setup. Once setup, some menus may not require access often. As an alternative to repeatedly navigating through the menus listed, a user may store frequently used menus into a Favorite folder. The Favorites folder can be used as a repository for menus that are accessed frequently and repeatedly when perform signal trace monitoring.
To store a menu in the Favorites menu folder, right-click a frequently used menu to show the submenu shown in Figure: Add to Favorites. Below, the Cross Pol (Cross Polarization) menu is copied and added to the Favorites folder. More menus can also be added and accessed through the Favorites folder.
Add to Favorites
Add to Favorites
Click a submenu as described above to copy and move it to the Favorites Folder.
Remove from Favorites
Right-click a menu in the Favorites folder and click Remove from Favorites to remove it.
Move to Top
Right-click a menu in the Favorites folder and click Move to Top to move it to the top of the list.
Move to Bottom
Right-click a menu in the Favorites folder and click Move to Bottom to move it to the bottom of the list.