Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Trace Monitor/Trace Viewer : Trace Viewer
Trace Viewer
Trace Viewer provides a view of the selected monitor traces from the Trace Monitor menu (Figure: Trace Monitor User Interface). Figure: Vision Trace Viewer shows a typical single trace view.
Vision Trace Viewer
1. DB Trace View Icon
2. Menu Toolbar
3. Trace View
Trace View Menu Bar
The Trace View menu bar is shown in Figure: Trace View Menu Bar and described in Table:  Trace View Menu Bar Description.
Trace View Menu Bar
 Trace View Menu Bar Description
Open Database
Opens the database folder that has been set from “Set Database Root Folder”.
Set Database Root Folder
Opens the database folder set the “Set Database Root Folder”.
Open Windows List
Open the recently viewed windows list.
Save Windows List
Save and close the recent windows list.
Recent Databases
Click to display the most recent databases used.
Exit the File menu.
View Mode: Opens the context menu shown below.
Trace View: Set all windows to Trace View mode. Toggle individual windows to spectrogram view by clicking on their displayed graph.
Spectrogram View: Set all windows to spectrogram view mode. Toggle individual windows to trace view by clicking on the graph.
Live View: Set all displayed channels to Live View.
Synchronize Traces
Synchronize all displayed channels. Scrolling through one channel will scroll through all displayed channels in time.
Arrange Windows
Arrange and resize all displayed channel windows to fit to the main Trace Viewer window.
Generate Failure Report
Contains data sections of accumulated failures from the Last Pass, Past Hour, Past Day, Past Week, and Past Month.
Figure: Generate Failure Report.
Export Failure Report
Export the failure report to a set file location.
Network Health Check
Network Health Check
Provides a Network Health Check Report.
Network Health Check Report.
Browse Report Archive
Report Options. Opens the browser dialog.
Report Options
Set the Failure Report, Occupancy Report and Export Field Delimiter Options.
Trace Monitor Report Options.
Load Map
Load a customer selected map to the screen.
Existing Maps
Load a map from an existing map folder.
Set Limit Line
Displays the Mask Selector menu as shown below. See Setting up a Mask for setting up a Mask.
Clear Limit Line
Removes selected limit line.
Copy to Clipboard
Copy Trace View data to clipboard.
Live Trace View
Displays the Live Trace View.