Vision™ MX280001A Software Help : Trace Acquire : Trace Acquire Program : Trace Acquire Menu
Trace Acquire Menu
The Trace Acquire menu is described below.
Sweep Monitors
Start the collection of traces to the database. Data collection can be stopped from "Trace Acquire System Tray Menu". Go to system tray and right-click on the Trace Acquire icon, Trace Acquire menu pops up providing an option to stop data collection. A report titled Vision Monitor Failure and Status Report is generated and placed in the default browser.
Sweep Monitor Time Setting
Click this number box to set the data collection period from 1 hour to minutes, or seconds. Scroll down the list for the desired time or click the up/down arrow to the desired time. Click one of the timing options from the list. Alternative time intervals are not allowed.
Email Notifications Window
To become active, the email configuration must be configured before it will become active. For details on setting up email notifications, refer to Setting Up Email Notifications. Click on the + sign to add email address and check boxes to set notification period.
Open File Folder
Browse and open a file.
View the Advanced Database Scheduler. See Advanced Database Scheduler.
View Log
Opens the Acquisition Log Viewer user interface screen that contains the activity between the Trace Acquire software and the remote spectrum monitors. If opened when a sweep is occurring, real-time data can be viewed as shown below.
For description of the Acquisition Log Viewer Icons, see Acquisition Log Viewer.
Save the current database to a different directory location. Click to open the Browse For Folder dialog. Click a folder or Make a New Folder to place the archive database. Click OK. This makes a copy of the active database, but new traces are still added to the old database.
Compresses the data in the database file. It removes the unused space created by the deletion of old traces from the database. If Vision software seems to be running unusually slow, compacting the database may be necessary.
Removes old traces from the database immediately. Does the same thing as the Automatically remove old traces check box, except without waiting. The “trimmed” database is also compressed.
Database Path
Displays the directory location of the current database. Click the folder to enter a different database. This will not create a new database, but will point Trace Acquire to a different existing database for future data storage.
Sweep Once
Sweep all monitors immediately and store all traces.
Monitor Process Status Indicator
The Monitor Process Status Indicator bar provides a visual indicator of the Trace Acquire UI to indicate if a monitor is off-line or in use. The Process Status indicator descriptions are as follows:
Green, Green: All remote monitors are on-line and available.
Green, Yellow: All monitors are on-line, but one or more is occupied by another
Red, Green: One or more remote monitors are currently off-line, but all the monitors that are on-line are available.
Red, Yellow: At least one monitor is off-line, and of the monitors that are on-line, at least one of the remote monitors is occupied by another user.
Automatically archive trace tables
Check to archive the trace tables into the database. Click on the Archive every time-interval drop-down list. Click either 3 hours or 6 hours for archiving the trace tables. Next Archive will notify you when the next archiving process will take place.
Automatically remove old traces
Check to remove old traces from the database. Old traces are removed once each day following the first data collection after 6:00 am.
Archive Every
Set a time interval to archive the trace data.
Logical Processors
The number of processors in the computer used to collect traces. Data collection is very processor intensive. The more processors used, the lighter the workload on the computer.
Max number of threads
The number of traces to be collected during the data collection period. The number of threads represents the number of monitors under simultaneous communication. It cannot be more than the number of monitors in the database.
Acquisition Log Viewer
The Acquisition Log Viewer Icons are described below.
Log Viewer Sweep Start/Stop
Log Viewer Find Text
Log Viewer menu list to:
Copy selection
Copy current line
Copy current window block (400 lines)
Copy entire log
If you try to close Vision Acquire using the ‘x’ Close box in the upper right-hand corner of the application window title bar, Vision Acquire will not exit; it becomes hidden. To close the application, right-click the icon in the System Tray and click Exit.