VectorStar™ MS4640A SeriesMicrowave Vector Network Analyzer : SCPI Commands : :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip Subsystem
The :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip subsystem commands set the parameter values for dielectric, kit type, and port assigned for microstrip substrate values.
Calibration Setup Subsystems
These subsystems are used during various phases of calibration configuration setup:
:CALCulate{1-16}:IMPedance:TRANsformation Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:REFerence Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:METHod Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MULTIple Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:WAVeguide Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect[:CALa]:PORT Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:ISOLation Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:STATe Subsystem
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip:DIELectric <NRf>
Sets the microstrip substrate dielectric value for calibration on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their command parameters. Outputs the microstrip substrate dielectric value for calibration on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Query Parameters.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is a unitless number.
Default Value
See Calibration Component Parameters.
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip:EFFective <NRf>
Sets the microstrip effective dielectric value for calibration on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Command Parameters. Outputs the microstrip effective dielectric value for calibration on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Command Parameters.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is a unitless number.
Default Value
See Calibration Component Parameters.
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip:KIT <char1>
Selects the microstrip kit to use for calibration on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Command Parameters.
Available Microstrip Kits
The available microstrip kit parameters are:
MIL10 = Standard 10-mil (0.010” or 0.25400 mm thick) microstrip
MIL15 = Standard 15-mil (0.015” or 0.38100 mm thick) microstrip
MIL25 = Standard 10-mil (0.025” or 0.63500 mm thick) microstrip
USER1 = User-defined microstrip 1
USER2 = User-defined microstrip 2
USER32 = User-defined microstrip 32
Using User-Defined Microstrip Kits
User-defined microstrips (USER1 through USER32 above) can be defined through the menu-driven user interface by entering six values:
Microstrip Kit Label = Defaults as “User-DefinedN” (where N = 1 to 32) and can be changed as required. Programmatically, each user-defined microstrip kit name must be still referred to as the appropriate “USERn” parameter.
Strip Width (mm). Programmatically, the width is entered in Meters.
Impedance (Ohms)
Substrate Thickness (mm). Programmatically, the thickness is entered in Meters.
Substrate Dielectric Value
Effective Dielectric Value
Query Output
Outputs the microstrip kit selected for calibration on the indicated channel.
See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Command Parameters.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> MIL10 | MIL15 | MIL25 | USER1 | USER2 | USER3 | USER4 | USER5 | USER6 | USER7 | USER8 | USER9 | USER10 | USER11 | USER12 | USER13 | USER14 | USER15 | USER16 | USER17 | USER18 | USER19 | USER20 | USER21 | USER22 | USER23 | USER24 | USER25 | USER26 | USER27 | USER28 | USER29 | USER30 | USER31 | USER32
Query Parameters
<char1> MIL10 | MIL15 | MIL25 | USER1 | USER2 | USER3 | USER4 | USER5 | USER6 | USER7 | USER8 | USER9 | USER10 | USER11 | USER12 | USER13 | USER14 | USER15 | USER16 | USER17 | USER18 | USER19 | USER20 | USER21 | USER22 | USER23 | USER24 | USER25 | USER26 | USER27 | USER28 | USER29 | USER30 | USER31 | USER32
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip:PORT{1-4}:CONNector <char1>
Sets the microstrip kit connector type for the indicated port on the indicated channel to where only user-defined microstrips can be used in the <char1> parameter as:
USER1 = User-defined1
USER2 = User-defined2
USER32 = User-defined32
See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their command parameters.
User-Defined Microstrips
In the menu-driven user interface, user-defined microstrips are set with six values:
Microstrip Kit Label = Defaults as “User-DefinedN” (where N = 1 to 32) and can be changed as required.
Strip Width (mm). Programmatically, the width is entered in Meters.
Impedance (Ohms)
Substrate Thickness (mm). Programmatically, the thickness is entered in Meters.
Substrate Dielectric Value
Effective Dielectric Value
The query outputs the microstrip kit connector type for the indicated port on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their parameters.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> USER1 | USER2 | USER3 | USER4 | USER5 | USER6 | USER7 | USER8 | USER9 | USER10 | USER11 | USER12 | USER13 | USER14 | USER15 | USER16 | USER17 | USER18 | USER19 | USER20 | USER21 | USER22 | USER23 | USER24 | USER25 | USER26 | USER27 | USER28 | USER29 | USER30 | USER31 | USER32
Query Parameters
<char1> USER1 | USER2 | USER3 | USER4 | USER5 | USER6 | USER7 | USER8 | USER9 | USER10 | USER11 | USER12 | USER13 | USER14 | USER15 | USER16 | USER17 | USER18 | USER19 | USER20 | USER21 | USER22 | USER23 | USER24 | USER25 | USER26 | USER27 | USER28 | USER29 | USER30 | USER31 | USER32
Default Value
See Calibration Component Parameters.
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip:THICKness <NRf>
Sets the microstrip substrate thickness for calibration on the indicated channel.
Outputs the microstrip substrate thickness for calibration on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Meters.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Meters.
Default Value
See Calibration Component Parameters.
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip:WIDth <NRf>
Sets the microstrip width for calibration on the indicated channel.
Outputs the microstrip width for calibration on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Meters.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Meters.
Default Value
See Calibration Component Parameters.
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:MICrostrip:Z0 <NRf>
Sets the microstrip impedance (Z zero) for calibration on the indicated channel. Outputs the microstrip impedance for calibration on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Ohms.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Ohms.
Default Value
See Calibration Component Parameters.
Syntax Example