VNA Masterâ„¢Programming Manual : Power Monitor Commands
Power Monitor Commands
Power Monitor Commands
:TRACe Power Monitor Subsystem
Trace Header Transfer
Trace Header Parameters
:CALCulate Subsystem
:CALCulate:PMONitor Subsystem
:CALCulate:PMONitor:RELative Subsystem
Relative State
:CALCulate:PMONitor:ZERO Subsystem
Zero State
:FETCh:PMONitor Subsystem
Displayed Data
:FETCh:PMONitor:RELative Subsystem
Reference Power Level
:FETCh:PMONitor:ZERO Subsystem
Zero Power Level
This chapter describes commands for Power Monitor mode. Only the commands that are listed in this chapter and in All Mode Commands can be used in Power Monitor mode. Using commands from other modes may produce unexpected results.
Notational conventions are described in Command and Query Notational Conventions.