Spectrum Analyzer Measurement Guide : IA Spectrum Analyzer (Option 24) : Setting Up Advanced Measurements
Setting Up Advanced Measurements
Refer to Making IA Spectrum Analyzer Measurements for basic information on setting up a IA spectrum measurement. This section provides setup information for making swept spectrum measurements. The Field Master Series analyzer features smart measurements that make setup easy. The following sections present brief examples demonstrating the use of these measurements.
From the MEASURE menu, select one of the desired measurements.
Selects the desired measurement type from the following list:
Spectrum: Displays the frequency domain spectrum measurement.
AM/FM Audio: Available when Option 24 or Option 509 is installed. The AM/FM Audio provides audio demodulation capability. Refer to AM/FM Audio (Requires Option 24 or Option 509), and AM/FM Modulation Measurement (Option 509).
PIM/Interference: Available when Option 24 is installed. The input parameters and channel measurements tables, max/min level lines, and total channel power signal indicator are added to the measurement display. Refer to PIM/Interference (Option 24).
Interference Map: This technique is used to geo-locate the interfering signals that may be from a few hundred yards to a few miles away, with respect to user’s current location. Refer to Interference Map.
Interference Polar: This technique is used to geo-locate the polar plot of the interfering signals that may be from a few hundred yards to a few miles away, with respect to user’s current location. Refer to Interference Polar.
Opens the SETUP Menu (Spectrum) for the measurement and view selected above.
Refer to the IQ Capture/Streaming Measurement Guide for discussion of IQ Capture and Streaming, PN: 10580-00490.
SETUP Menu (Spectrum)
SETUP Menu (Spectrum)
There are no advanced measurement setups for the basic IA spectrum analyzer measurement.
Refer to the sections below for additional setup menus when using advanced measurements:
SETUP Menu (PIM/Interference)
SETUP Menu (AM/FM Audio RF Spectrum)
SETUP Menu (AM/FM Audio – All Measurements View)
SETUP Menu (Interference Map)
SETUP Menu (Interference Polar)