VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Programming Manual : SCPI Commands : :CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter and :PARameter{1-16} Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter and :PARameter{1-16} Subsystem
The :CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter subsystem commands control and report on the number of traces on the indicated channel. The :CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16} subsystem commands configure the types of parameters used and how they are displayed on each trace.
Trace Subsystems
Related trace and display subsystems are:
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter and :PARameter{1-16} Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:MSTatistics Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:SELect Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:POLar Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PROCessing:ORDer Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:CONVersion Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:DATA Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:FORmat Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:MATH Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:MDATA Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:SMITh Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:SMOothing Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}[:SELected]:TDATA Subsystem
:DISPlay Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter:COUNt <NRf>
Sets the number of traces on the specified channel.
Returns the number of traces on the specified channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
1 to 16
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:DEFine <char1> | <char1>,<char4> | <char1>,<char2>,<char3>,<char4>
Use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a four-port instrument.
Sets the measurement parameter of the indicated trace. Additional command parameters (<char2>, <char3>, and <char4>) may be required depending on the selection of the first <char> parameter. If multiple command parameters are required, each additional parameter is separated by a comma. Spaces between command parameters are ignored. The use of these parameters requires a 4-port instrument: A3 | A4 | B3 | B4 | S13 | S23 | S33 | S31 | S32 | S14 | S24 | S34 | S41 | S42 | S43 | S44 | PORT3 | PORT4.
Available Measurement Parameters
The first parameter <char1> defines which S-Parameter, external analog input, or user-defined S-Parameter is measured. The available selections are:
S11 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S12 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S13 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S14 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S21 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S22 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S23 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S24 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S31 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S32 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S33 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S34 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S41 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S42 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S43 = No other <char> parameters are required.
S44 = No other <char> parameters are required.
AGAin = Noise Figure Available Gain trace response; no other <char> parameters are required (valid only with Option 48).
EXT1 = External analog input; <char4> is also required to define the port number.
EXT2 = External analog input; <char4> is also required to define the port number.
IGAin = Noise Figure Insertion Gain trace response; no other <char> parameters are required (valid only with Option 48).
MIXed = Response Mixed Mode; no other <char> parameters are required.
NFIG = Noise Figure trace response; no other <char> parameters are required. (valid only with Option 41 or Option 48)
NPOW = Noise Power trace response; no other <char> parameters are required. (valid only with Option 41 or Option 48)
NTEMP = Noise Temperature trace response; no other <char> parameters are required. (valid only with Option 41 or Option 48)
OPWR1 = Optical Power; <char4> is also required to define the power source port number.
OPWR2 = Optical Power; <char4> is also required to define the power source port number.
USR = <char2> is also required to define the numerator,<char3> is also required to define the denominator, and <char4> is also required to define the port number.
Command Parameter Requirements when S11, S12, S21, or S22 is Selected
If the S11, S12, S21, S22, S13, S23, S33, S31, S32, S14, S24, S34, S41, S42, S43, S44, MIXed, NFIG, NPOW, NTEMP, AGAin, or IGAin parameters are selected for <char>:
No additional command parameters are required.
The use of Port 3 or Port 4 require a 4-port instrument.
For example, :CALC1:PAR1:DEF S11 sets the input-reflection coefficient measurement.
The command syntax for S-Parameters:
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:DEFine <char1>
Command Parameters Requirements when EXT1 or EXT2 is Selected
If an external analog input of EXT1 or EXT2 is selected for <char1>:
An additional parameter of <char4> is required to define the power source port as PORT1, PORT2, PORT3, PORT4, L1, or L2.
L1 is the same as Port 1 and L2 is the same as Port 2; both use Lightning 37xxxx syntax.
The use of Port 3 or Port 4 require a 4-port instrument.
The command syntax for external analog input:
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:DEFine <char1>,<char4>
Command Parameters Requirements when OPWR1 or OPWR2 is Selected
If a power source input of OPWR1 or OPWR2 is selected for <char1>:
An additional parameter of <char4> is required to define the power source port as PORT1, PORT2, PORT3, or PORT4.
The use of Port 3 or Port 4 require a 4-port instrument.
The command syntax for power source port input:
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:DEFine <char1>,<char4>
Command Parameter Requirements when USR is Selected
If the user-defined S-Parameter of USR is selected for <char1>:
Three additional command parameters are required as <char2>, <char3>, and <char4>.
The use of Port 3 or Port 4 require a 4-port instrument.
The second additional parameter <char2> represents the numerator. The numerator values are selected from values of A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, or 1 (one).
The third additional parameter <char3> represents the denominator and is also selected from values of A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, or 1.
The fourth additional parameter <char4> defines the power source port and is selected from PORT1, PORT2, PORT3, PORT4, L1, or L2.
For example, the command :CALC1:PAR1:DEF USR,A1,B1,PORT1 sets a user-defined S-Parameter value of A1/B1 for Port1.
The USR parameter is provided for users who want to deviate from standard S-Parameter measurements. A typical application of the USR parameter would be to remove external effects from antenna analysis where a test antenna is compared to a reference antenna by using a ratio such as B2/A2.
The command syntax for user-defined S-Parameters:
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:DEFine <char1>,<char2>, <char3>,<char4>
Cmd Parameters
The required command parameters depend on the first parameter selected:
<char1> S11 | S12 | S21 | S22 | S13 | S23 | S33 | S31 | S32 | S14 | S24 | S34 | S41 | S42 | S43 | S44 | AGAin | EXT1 | EXT2 | IGAin | MIXed | NFIG | NPOW | NTEMP | OPWR1 | OPWR2 | USR
<char2> A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | B1 | B2 |B31 | B4 | 1
<char3> A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | B1 | B2 |B31 | B4 | 1
<char4> PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4 | L1 | L2
Query Parameters
The query parameters returned depend on which S-Parameter was selected for the command:
<char1> S11 | S12 | S21 | S22 | S13 | S23 | S33 | S31 | S32 | S14 | S24 | S34 | S41 | S42 | S43 | S44 | MIX | NFIG | NPOW | NTEMP | AGAin | IGAin | EXT1 | EXT2 | USR
<char2> A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | B1 | B2 |B31 | B4 | 1
<char3> A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | B1 | B2 |B31 | B4 | 1
<char4> PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4 | L1 | L2
Query Outputs
Returns vary depending on the command parameters that were set in the command string.
Query Output for S-Parameters, Mixed-Mode Parameters, or Noise Figure Parameters
If the command sets S11, S12, S21, S22, S13, S23, S33, S31, S32, S14, S24, S34, S41, S42, S43, S44,AGAin, IGAin, MIXed, NFIG, NPOW, or NTEMP:
The query outputs only the selected parameter.
For example, with a command setting S11, the query returns the following:
Query Output for EXT1 or EXT2
If the command sets external analog inputs EXT1 or EXT2:
The output parameters are <char1> EXT1 | EXT2 and <char4> PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4 | L1 | L2
The query outputs the external analog input value and the associated port.
For example, the command and query below return the following:
Query Output for OPWR1 or OPWR2
If the command sets power source port OPWR1 or OPWR2:
The output parameters are <char1> OPWR1 | OPWR2 and <char4> PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4
The query outputs the power source port value and the associated port.
For example, the command and query below return the following:
Query Output for USR
If the command sets USR for a user-defined S-Parameter, the output parameters are:
<char1> USR
<char2> A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | 1
<char3> A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | 1
<char4> PORT1 | PORT2
The query outputs USR, the numerator, denominator, and the associated port. Note that the numerator and denominator are separated by a forward slash (“/”).
For example, the command and query below return the following:
Default Value
The command and query default values depend on the which parameter was selected for <char1>:
S11 for PAR1
S12 for PAR2
S21 for PAR3
S22 for PAR4
S11 for all others
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:OPWR{1-2}:RESPonsivity <NRf>
Sets the responsivity value of the mean optical power response for the given indicated channel, trace, and optical power response number.
Returns the responsivity value of the mean optical power response for the given indicated channel, trace, and optical power response number.
Cmd Parameters
<NR3> The input parameter is an integer.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR3> The output is an integer.
-100 A/W to 100 A/W
0.65 A/W
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:FORMat <char>
Sets the display format of the indicated trace on the indicated channel. See Programming the VectorStar Series VNA for more information.
The available display types are:
GDELay = Group Delay
IMAGinar = Imaginary
LINPHase = Linear Mag and Phase
LOGPHase = Log Magnitude and Phase
MLINear = Linear Magnitude
MLOGarithmic = Log Magnitude
PHASe = Phase
PLINear = Linear Polar and Linear Phase
PLINCOMPlex = Linear Polar and Real/Imaginary
PLOGarithmic = Log Polar and Log Phase
PLOGCOMPlex = Log Polar and Real/Imaginary
PWRIn = Power In
PWROut = Power Out
REAL = Real
REIMaginary = Real and Imaginary
SADCOMPlex = Smith (G + jB) Admittance Real/Imaginary
SADLINear = Smith (G + jB) Admittance Linear/Phase
SADLOGarithmic = Smith (G + jB) Admittance Log/Phase
SADMittance = Smith (G + jB) Admittance
SADMLC = Smith (G + jB) Admittance L/C
SCOMPlex = Smith (R + jX) Impedance Real/Imaginary
SIMPLC = Smith (R + jX) Impedance L/C
SLINear = Smith (R + jX) Impedance Linear/Phase
SLOGarithmic = Smith (R + jX) Impedance Log/Phase
SMITh = Smith (R + jX) Impedance
ZCAPacitance = Impedance Capacitance
ZCOMPlex = Impedance Real and Imaginary
ZIMAGinary = Impedance Imaginary
ZINDuctance = Impedance Inductance
ZMAGNitude = Impedance Magnitude
ZREAL = Impedance Real
Returns the display format of the indicated trace on the indicated channel. See Programming the VectorStar Series VNA for more information and a complete listing of trace graph types, default settings, and available ranges.
Cmd Parameters
<char> GDELay | IMAGinary | LINPHase | LOGPHase | MLINear | MLOGarithmic | PHASe | PLINear | PLINCOMPlex | PLOGarithmic | PLOGCOMPlex | PWRIn | PWROut | REAL | REIMaginary | SADCOMPlex | SADLINear | SADLOGarithmic | SADMittance | SADMLC | SCOMPlex | SIMPLC | SLINear | SLOGarithmic | SMITh | SWR | ZCAPacitance | ZCOMPlex | ZIMAGinary |ZINDuctance | ZMAGNitude | ZREAL
Query Parameters:
Query Output:
Default Value:
The command/query default values depend on the value of the PARameter keyword as it varies from PAR1 to PAR16 listed below:
SMITh for PAR1 (PARameter1)
LOGPHase for PAR2
LOGPHase for PAR3
SMITh for PAR4
MLOG for PAR5, PAR6, PAR7, PAR8, PAR9, PAR10, PAR11, PAR12, PAR13, PAR14, PAR15, and PAR16.
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:MLOCation <char>
Sets the location of the marker readout at the given trace of the indicated channel.
Command parameter definitions are:
ULEFt = Upper Left
URIGht = Upper Right
LLEFt = Lower Left
LRIGht = Lower Right
DSOFf = Display Off
CUSTom = Custom Location (defined by X and Y coordinates)
Returns the location of the marker readout at the given trace of the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> ULEFt | URIGht | LLEFt | LRIGht | DSOFf | CUSTom
Query Parameters
Query Output
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:MLOCation:X <NRf>
Sets the X offset location of the Marker Data Display for the given trace on the indicated channel. This command requires Marker Data Display Location to be set to ‘Custom’.
Returns the X Offset location of the Marker Data Display for the given trace on the indicated channel.
The location is the top left corner of the trace display area. A value in the range of 0-100 can be set which can suitably get coerced based on the display size of the trace.
Cmd Parameters
<NR3> The input parameter is a unitless number between 0-100.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR3> The output is a unitless number value between 0-100.
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:MLOCation:Y <NRf>
Sets the Y offset location of the Marker Data Display for the given trace on the indicated channel. This command requires Marker Data Display Location to be set to ‘Custom’.
Returns the Y Offset location of the Marker Data Display for the given trace on the indicated channel.
The location is the top left corner of the trace display area. A value in the range of 0-100 can be set which can suitably get coerced based on the display size of the trace.
Cmd Parameters
<NR3> The input parameter is a unitless value between 0-100.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR3> The output is a unitless value between 0-100.
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only.
Returns the number of the active trace number on the indicated channel.
Use :CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:SELect to select the active trace.
Cmd Parameters:
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
1 to 16
Default Value
Syntax Example